Wednesday 6 April 2016

Random Blog!

I haven't really spoke much about or group. So here is a little bit of information.

I'm working with two of my friends. Liv who i have known since year 9 when i moved to this school. Me and Liv went to Paris together and had so much fun and became closer than we was! Here are some pictures of us in Paris. 

We had a great time!

Now moving on to our other group member,Shan. Me and Shan have been best friends since nursery, we both went to a small primary school called Mary Swanwick. And we have been best friends ever since. Despite us going to different secondary schools.The good thing about working with Shan is that we can argue and have debates (Which Sir has to get involved in because we both think we are right all the time ;) Sorry Sir! ) but we sort it out straight after. Even though i want to strangle her sometimes,we work great as a team!

 Starting with me on the left at the age of 6. My little sister at the age of 4.And Shan at the age of 6.

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