Wednesday 6 April 2016

Hi guys, just an update on how we are getting on!

I'm going to list some issues and things we have had to solve up to yet. :

~ We experienced some trouble trying to get the camera still when doing shots of the bible and pictures. (Example above) As the tripod wasn't available when we did the filming of those particular shots. As we did our filming over two days.

~ The music was hard to make as wee didn't really know how to use the software. However we did get a score,even if it wasn't as idyllic as we wanted it to be.

~ Our footage and music wasn't matching up,due to the different ways the time was counted on each software. However we did solve this. I had to cut and crop the music to make it fit. Unfortunately,there are parts of the score that jump. I tried my hardest to make them less obvious.

~ Problems with lazy and ill members of the group,made time we had working as a whole,limited. This was hard as we didn't have input from all the group at one time. This left me trying to bounce ideas and input from the other two members.

~ The whole process has been challenging as the workload has left me,with a lot of blog work to complete. I also had my first AS exam for dance on the week of the deadline. This made it harder to fit editing in as i spent most of my dinners rehearsing for my AS exam and practicing for the school platform.

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