Sunday 10 April 2016

Propps Character Roles

  • The hero (Seek something) 
  • The villain (Opposes the hero)
  • The donor (Helps the hero by providing a magical objects).
  • The Dispatcher (Sends the hero on his way)
  • The false hero (Falsely assuming the role of the hero) 
  • The helper ( Gives support to the hero )
  • The princess ( The reward for the hero but also need protection from the villain )

These roles applied to my media would be :

The hero - the paranormal expert.

The villain - Lamia ( The ancient Greeks believed that the Lamia was a vampire who stole little children to drink their blood. She was portrayed as a snake-like creature with a female head and breasts. Usually female, but sometimes referred to as a male or a hermaphrodite.)

The princess - Mia / Her mother.

The false hero - Her mother as her past is the reason Mia has been possessed.

The helper - God and The Bible. 

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