Sunday, 10 April 2016


This blog will explain about how we came up with the name of our thriller and what the story is built around.

 The plot is built around an evil God/Devil called Lamia. We found out about Lamia on the internet while translating names and looking for names for our main character. We saw Lamia on a website and decided to click on the link and have a look at what kind of devil/evil god he/she was. Lucky for us it was what we needed. How ever Lamia is a God that prays on young children. Here are some information / myths regarding Lamia.

The ancient Greeks believed that the Lamia was a vampire who stole little children to drink their blood. She was portrayed as a snake-like creature with a female head and breasts. Usually female, but sometimes referred to as a male or a hermaphrodite.
According to legend, she was once a Libyan queen (or princess) who fell in love with Zeus. Zeus' jealous wife Hera deformed her into a monster and murdered their offspring. She also made Lamia unable to close her eyes, so that she couldn't find any rest from the obsessing image of her dead children. When Zeus saw what had be done to Lamia, he felt pity for her and gave his former lover a gift: she could remove her eyes, and then put them on again. This way, though sleepless, she could rest from her misfortune. Lamia envied the other mothers and took her vengeance by stealing their children and devouring them. -

Classical Mythology. one of a class of fabulous monsters, commonly represented with the head and breast of a woman and the body of aserpent, said to allure youths and children in order to suck their blood.

There is also a whole blog post on Lamia -

We came up with the name Mia from Lamia as Mia is a well known name,which is more believable and average for the time our thriller was set. (Modern Day) 

Photos of ' Lamia ' -  


Propps Character Roles

  • The hero (Seek something) 
  • The villain (Opposes the hero)
  • The donor (Helps the hero by providing a magical objects).
  • The Dispatcher (Sends the hero on his way)
  • The false hero (Falsely assuming the role of the hero) 
  • The helper ( Gives support to the hero )
  • The princess ( The reward for the hero but also need protection from the villain )

These roles applied to my media would be :

The hero - the paranormal expert.

The villain - Lamia ( The ancient Greeks believed that the Lamia was a vampire who stole little children to drink their blood. She was portrayed as a snake-like creature with a female head and breasts. Usually female, but sometimes referred to as a male or a hermaphrodite.)

The princess - Mia / Her mother.

The false hero - Her mother as her past is the reason Mia has been possessed.

The helper - God and The Bible. 

Barthes and Strauss theory

Barthes’ Codes <ul><li>Action – a narrative device by which a resolution is produced through action, e.g. a shoot-out. </l...

In our media we use enigma. We do this using a set of numbers to give the audience a clue and tease them. In our media the numbers are clues such as the number 666 which is the devils number. This number appears multiple times. For example the time of the film is 105 minutes and if you add 1 to the 5 that makes 6. Also when Mia was 10 she got possessed and she has been possessed for 5 years . 1+5 = 6. All of the numbers have a meaning and it adds to the mise-en-scene. It also makes the audience think and engage them. The release date is also, the 6 / 6 / 2016.

Wednesday, 6 April 2016

Random Blog!

I haven't really spoke much about or group. So here is a little bit of information.

I'm working with two of my friends. Liv who i have known since year 9 when i moved to this school. Me and Liv went to Paris together and had so much fun and became closer than we was! Here are some pictures of us in Paris. 

We had a great time!

Now moving on to our other group member,Shan. Me and Shan have been best friends since nursery, we both went to a small primary school called Mary Swanwick. And we have been best friends ever since. Despite us going to different secondary schools.The good thing about working with Shan is that we can argue and have debates (Which Sir has to get involved in because we both think we are right all the time ;) Sorry Sir! ) but we sort it out straight after. Even though i want to strangle her sometimes,we work great as a team!

 Starting with me on the left at the age of 6. My little sister at the age of 4.And Shan at the age of 6.

Hi guys, just an update on how we are getting on!

I'm going to list some issues and things we have had to solve up to yet. :

~ We experienced some trouble trying to get the camera still when doing shots of the bible and pictures. (Example above) As the tripod wasn't available when we did the filming of those particular shots. As we did our filming over two days.

~ The music was hard to make as wee didn't really know how to use the software. However we did get a score,even if it wasn't as idyllic as we wanted it to be.

~ Our footage and music wasn't matching up,due to the different ways the time was counted on each software. However we did solve this. I had to cut and crop the music to make it fit. Unfortunately,there are parts of the score that jump. I tried my hardest to make them less obvious.

~ Problems with lazy and ill members of the group,made time we had working as a whole,limited. This was hard as we didn't have input from all the group at one time. This left me trying to bounce ideas and input from the other two members.

~ The whole process has been challenging as the workload has left me,with a lot of blog work to complete. I also had my first AS exam for dance on the week of the deadline. This made it harder to fit editing in as i spent most of my dinners rehearsing for my AS exam and practicing for the school platform.