Wednesday 2 December 2015

POS thriller opening!

I have decided to work with the same people I created my preliminary task with! As for one, they are my friends and secondly we all bring different  qualities to our group.

I bring the acting, as I took drama as Gcse and I don't mind being in front of the camera and I know how to work the editing in post-production as well as being creative.

Olivia brings creative ideas as she loves watching horror films and she is very good with the camera as she did the filming in our preliminary task. 

And finally Shannon brings creative ideas and knows how to produce music that will fit the mood and genre.

Together as a group we work well as we don't get offended if we well each other our opinions.
I think working with these two will be great and we will produce a piece of work that will be creative.


 Hey update on where we are!,

We will be starting our task which will determine our final grade, for this, the pre-production work will include us creating a screenplay/script.

When we are writing our screenplay, we will make sure to include:

§  Include location, setting and time of day

§  Introduce key characters and include a short description of who they are/ what they look like

§  Include key dialogue between characters and details of their actions and expressions

§  Include details of where the camera is in each scene

This is an example screenplay:

Friday 27 November 2015


For our task we need to do research to get ideas and to make sure that we understand the boundaries of our ideas due to them being sensitive to some people.
To make a opening that included a psychopathic girl this could be seen as us discriminating against mental health which we are not doing and no not want to look as if we are.

Tuesday 17 November 2015


High Key Lighting :                 
 I like this use of lighting because it makes me look more ghost like, by drowning shadows and colours out my face.

Backlighting :

This creates a mysterious effect, by not being able to see my face this builds a tension of 'who is that' .
 I could use this before or to introduce a character.

Natural Lighting:

This natural lighting was too bright, compared to what it should have been.

Artificial Lighting :

Artificial lighting doesn't do much for the genre of thriller as it makes me look quite natural and gives of a theme of normality.

Chiaroscuro Lighting:
This lighting makes me looks scary and goes well with the genre of thriller / horror .

Tuesday 3 November 2015

Where we filmed out task.

The room was a store cupboard, which was very dark. We made the room darker by covering the windows so the room was pitch black. We then got a tiny light and used that to give the flickering spotlight effect in our film.


What I did well:

I think that me as an individual helped the group a lot with the editing as a picked up on it quickly. This helped us speed up the process of editing as I could show Shannon and Olivia how to do the editing. I also did the titles on our short film, this made the presentation look better and emphasized the film. Overall we worked as a team on this short film so it is hard to individually pick out what we did well. As we all helped and added ideas into our film.

Shot Types

 Close up : a movie or television shot in which some part of the subject or  the head of an actor, fills the entire frame.
Extreme close up :  A photograph or a movie shot in which the subject is tightly framed and shown at a relatively large scale.
Shot/Reverse shot : where one character is shown looking at another character and then the other character is shown looking back at the first character. Since the characters are shown facing in opposite directions, the viewer assumes that they are looking at each other.

  An establishing shot : is usually the first shot of a new scene, designed to show the audience where the action is taking place. It is usually a very wide shot or extreme wide shot.
High angle shot : where the camera looks down on the subject from a high angle. High-angle shots can make the subject seem vulnerable or powerless when applied with the correct mood, setting, and effects.
Low angle shot : is a shot from a camera angle positioned low on the vertical axis, anywhere below the eye line, looking up. Psychologically, the effect of the low-angle shot is that it makes the subject look strong and powerful.
Tilt shot : is where the camera is tilted,
often used to portray psychological uneasiness or tension in the subject being filmed.
Wide shot : typically shows the entire object or human figure and is usually intended to place it in some relation to its surroundings.


I asked another group for their feedback on my preliminary task, this is what Ben said :

"Good use of score, which helps build tension. The lighting and props helped to contribute to the mise-en-scene. There was no notable continuity errors, which helped the audience to stay immersed in the short film with a good story line."

My Video

Wednesday 28 October 2015

Preliminary Task

Hey bloggers.

For this task I'm working with,Shannon Nunn and Olivia Needham. The task is a continuity task involving filming and editing a character opening a door,crossing a room and then sitting in a chair,having a conversation with another character who is sitting opposite. I have to demonstrate match on action, shot/reverse shot and the 180-degree rule.

For you that don't know what these rules are, let me explain.

The 180-degree rule

Here is a diagram to demonstrate.

rule stating that a camera should be placed somewhere inside 180 degrees on a particular side of the invisible line of a shot containing two people filmed in sequence.  If the camera crosses the line, confusion results for the film viewers, because it makes it look like the people are switching places as one watches the film. 

Shot/Reverse Shot
 A shot that views the action from the opposite side of the previous shot, as during a conversation between two actors, giving the effect of looking from one actor to the other.
Match on action

Match on action is a technique of filming used in many sorts of films. It consists of connecting 2 shots together in which a character finishes off an action in the second shot that was started in the first one, for example a clip of a character walking through a door in which he opens the door being filmed from behind then the clip cuts to him walking through from the other one.

Story Board



 Areas For Development!

How do I think my task could be improved?
To answer this question is very hard as part of me would change a lot of things on this task, but let’s be realistic this was the first time of doing anything like this. However as proud as I am of this task there are things that really bug me every time I watch my task as they are all simple things that could be changed without much of the time we had being taken up.

The first thing in my task I would develop on or simply change is how, my shoes change. One minuet I’m wearing shoes and then I’m wearing boots. This is very unnoticeable and up to yet no one has mentioned it to me when anyone else has watched it. Here I’ll show you.

At the start of the film I’m wearing black shoes.  

Then seconds later as I sit down and cross my legs, very vaguely you see a boot

Even though this is not very noticeable it stops continuity .


Areas of Success1

Friday 18 September 2015

My First Blog!

Hey!,my names Phoebe and this is my first blog,this is completely new to me and i am kind of worried if its going to be terrible! but here goes nothing...

So you're probably wondering who i really am. I'm more than likely your average teenage girl,how exciting? Nope ,thought so.

This seemed easy but now I have to actually write something, I have no idea what to put. Well i will tell you a little something about my life. At the moment I'm starting a new chapter in my life which is starting sixthform. Wow that sounds weird to say,because i didn't think i would be able to get here,but it shows that hard work pays off. Anyway starting sixthform was so nerve racking because everything is different : new subjects,new teachers,new friends. Thinking about it ,its not all bad, because even though I'm nervous i am also excited for everything.

I have many interests such as music.Without music i don't know what I'd do, probably be really angry all the time. I'm joking.
The main reason I decided to take AS Media Studies,
Is  the media includes a lot of music as you find music in every film,advert,TV program there is music. And the music is used to set the atmosphere,with out music movies wouldn't be as powerful. I am also a very creative person,who doesn't mind being in front of the camera.  

Following on, another interest is watching my favorite TV show 'American Horror Story'. I am slightly obsessed. Its not healthy.

 I am a very creative i enjoy dancing,acting and singing. (This doesn't mean I can actually sing)

For AS Media Studies,we make a opening for a thriller movie and a music video which seems very fun and exciting. And with my best friend of 13 years beside me doing this I can say, it is going to be very interesting! Whether that is a good or a bad thing is up to you!

peace out.