Friday 18 September 2015

My First Blog!

Hey!,my names Phoebe and this is my first blog,this is completely new to me and i am kind of worried if its going to be terrible! but here goes nothing...

So you're probably wondering who i really am. I'm more than likely your average teenage girl,how exciting? Nope ,thought so.

This seemed easy but now I have to actually write something, I have no idea what to put. Well i will tell you a little something about my life. At the moment I'm starting a new chapter in my life which is starting sixthform. Wow that sounds weird to say,because i didn't think i would be able to get here,but it shows that hard work pays off. Anyway starting sixthform was so nerve racking because everything is different : new subjects,new teachers,new friends. Thinking about it ,its not all bad, because even though I'm nervous i am also excited for everything.

I have many interests such as music.Without music i don't know what I'd do, probably be really angry all the time. I'm joking.
The main reason I decided to take AS Media Studies,
Is  the media includes a lot of music as you find music in every film,advert,TV program there is music. And the music is used to set the atmosphere,with out music movies wouldn't be as powerful. I am also a very creative person,who doesn't mind being in front of the camera.  

Following on, another interest is watching my favorite TV show 'American Horror Story'. I am slightly obsessed. Its not healthy.

 I am a very creative i enjoy dancing,acting and singing. (This doesn't mean I can actually sing)

For AS Media Studies,we make a opening for a thriller movie and a music video which seems very fun and exciting. And with my best friend of 13 years beside me doing this I can say, it is going to be very interesting! Whether that is a good or a bad thing is up to you!

peace out.